This page houses all of the supporting resources that are not specific to an single existing UES measure or standard protocol but fundamental or supportive of the RTF work. The tools and models section provide the documents and workbooks that support the development of the majority of RTF analyses and the resulting work products, both Standard Protocols and UES measures. The studies and research projects section contains the results of special efforts that may be used to inform furture RTF discussions or incorporated into work products. This page also houses the results of third party assessments of RTF UES measures and current templates.


RTF Guidelines

RTF Guidelines. In support of its mission, the RTF adopts a set of formal Guidelines by which to judge the quality and reliability of savings estimates, costs and benefits, and the lifetimes of RTF measures and protocols. The goal of this guidance is to ensure that various methods of savings estimation will produce savings estimates relative to consistent baselines and of comparable reliability sufficient to meet the needs of regional energy planners. The RTF revisits these Guidelines at regular intervals to ensure they are still serving this goal and supporting the region. At it's October 2020 meeting, the RTF approved updates to its Guidelines. You will find the latest version below.

Current Guidelines

Tools and models

Standard Information Workbook. The RTF's Standard Information Workbook (SIW) houses assumptions and data that are used across multiple measures and standard protocols. 


Climate Information. As a resource for utilities in the region, the RTF develops a methodology to help utilities select their appropriate heating and cooling zones. This page also holds the RTF's TMYx weather files.

Climate Information

End Use Load Research Hourly Data. Data from the End Use Load Research (EULR) project may be useful in updating saving shapes going forward.


Residential Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Tool. The Residential EE and DR tool (REEDR) is an open-source tool that was designed to ease the process of building, running, and analyzing residential building energy models in EnergyPlus. 



Training: See below for links to training sessions on various models.

Commercial Building Simulation Models. These models are based in EnergyPlus, built using the Modelkit framework, and specific to the Northwest region. The RTF is in the process of aligning the models with monthly consumption data from regional Commercial Building Stock Assessments (CBSAs). The models are intended to be used for a variety of purposes, including conservation and demand response assessments and HVAC interaction factor and savings shape development.


ProCost. The ProCost model is the tool used by the RTF and the Council to characterize the costs and benefits of conservation measures and programs.


Simplified Energy Enthalpy Model. The Simplied Energy Enthalpy Model (SEEM) program is designed to model small scale residential building energy use.  


Measure Specific Supporting Files Archive. An archive of the workbooks that support archived versions of the RTF measures workbooks.



RTF studies and research projects

New Electric Measure Scan Results. The RTF gathered data from the regional and national energy efficiency program offerings to collect and prioritize a list of potential new electric measures for future development at the RTF.

New Electric Measure Scan

Low GWP Refrigerant Impact on Energy Efficiency. The RTF developed insights into three research areas associated with the current state of production and use of refrigerants, given enacted laws across the U.S. to limit those with high global warming potential. The focus was on the Council states.

Framework for Quantifying Flexibility. The RTF investigated the current landscape of how power system power planning accounts for demand flexibility and the interactivity between EE and DR, as well as provided analysis and classification of the interactive effects between EE and DR resources to inform future modeling of these resources.

Flexibility Framework

Resiliency Value from Energy Efficiency Measures Study. The RTF developed insights and an Excel based tool to quantify the value of energy efficiency measures in providing building resilience during grid outages.

Resiliency Study  

Efficient Electric Vehicle Market Characterization. The RTF research the electric vehicle market to gain a deeper understanding of the energy efficiency and demand response opportunities to determine the potential of developing a unit energy savings measure.

Efficient Electric Vehicle Market Characterization


Secondary Market Impacts on Measures Baseline Study. The RTF explored if and how secondary baselines should be considered when establishing savings estimates for measures.

Secondary Market Impacts Study  

Exploring the Sub-regional: Implications of Measures Using Population-based Identifiers. The RTF  researched the potential and implications of incorporating sub-regional population based measure identifiers into the RTF's anaysis.

Population-based Identifiers Study  

Air Source Heat Pump White Paper. In January 2021, RTF staff made available a white paper summarizing the energy impacts of installation practices on single-speed air-source heat pumps installed in residences in the Pacific Northwest Region. The goal of the paper was to provide a technical explanation of the impact of installation practice to help identify promising directions for program evolution. It was written with energy efficiency program operators in mind with the energy impacts presented as recommendations for consideration in program designs.

Single-Speed ASHPs: Energy Impacts of Efficiency Program Design Elements

Review of RTF UES measures

UES Measure Cost Review. In 2022, a contractor reviewed all of the RTF's UES measure workbooks to assess the rigor of the incremental cost estimates and methodologies, accuracy, and consisency with the RTF Guidelines.

UES Cost Review


Capacity Benefits. In 2016, a contractor reviewed all of the RTF's UES measure workbooks to assess the reliability of load shapes selected, provide alternatives where appropriate, and recommendations as to potential next steps for improving reliability.

Capacity Load Shape Recommendation


The RTF offers occasional trainings on various models. See our RTF Modeling Training Series Vimeo channel, or watch each session:


The following files are used as starting templates by the RTF when drafting measure analysis documentation.

Supporting Documents Upload Date Notes
Research Strategy Template (Word) 2017 Latest version
Research Plan Template_v4.0 (Word) 2017 Latest version
Standard Protocol Template_v2.0 (Word) 2017 Latest version
RTF Presentation Template (PowerPoint) 2024 Latest version
RTF Small/Rural Utilities UES Design Checklist Template (Excel) 2017 Latest version
Past Templates    
Provisional Research Plan Template_v3.0 2013 Changes made to add more context to section headings
Provisional Research Plan Template_v1.0 2013 First adopted version
Standard Protocol Template_v1.0 2013 First adopted version