The RTF develops an annual work plan that is approved by the Council. This development process includes a stakeholder review period and review and recommendation to the Council by both the RTF and the RTF Policy Advisory Committee.

2025 Work Plan and Business Plan

At the July 23, 2024 RTF Meeting, staff released a draft 2025 Work Plan and Business Plan for a 30-day stakeholder comment period. Staff is seeking comment on any aspect of the work plan and specific questions can be found in the July presentation. Please send comments to Laura Thomas at by Friday, August 23, 2024. Following the close of the comment period, staff will finalize the work plan and present to the RTF Policy Advisory Committee at their September 5th meeting and the RTF at the September 17th meeting for recommendation to the Council for approval at the October 2023 meeting.

2025 Draft Work Plan

2025 Draft Business Plan


2024 Work Plan and Business Plan

At the July 18, 2023 RTF Meeting, staff released a draft 2024 Work Plan and Business Plan for a 30-day stakeholder comment period ending on Friday, August 18, 2023. A final proposed work plan was presented to the RTF Policy Advisory Committee and the RTF that their September meetings. Both committees made recommendation to the Council for approval. The Council approved the 2024 work plan and budget at its October 2023 meeting.

2024 Work Plan

2024 Business Plan



Previous Work Plans

 2023 Work Plan and Business Plan

At the July 19, 2022 RTF meeting, staff released a draft 2023 Work Plan and Business plan for a 30-day stakeholder comment period ending on August 18, 2022. A proposed final work plan was presented to the RTF and the RTF Policy Advisory Committee at their September meetings. Both committees made recommendation to the Council for approval. The Council approved the 2023 work plan and budget at its October 2022 meeting.

2022 Work Plan and Business Plan

The Council approved the 2022 Work Plan and Business Plan at its October 2022 meeting. This work plan incorporated public comments received.

2022 Work Plan   2022 Business Plan


2021 Work Plan

The Council approved the 2021 Work Plan and Business Plan at its October 2021 meeting. This work plan incorporated public comments received.

2021 Work Plan 2021 Business Plan

2020 Work Plan

The Council approved the 2020 Work Plan and Business Plan at its October 2019 meeting. This work plan incorporated public comments received.

2020 Work Plan 2020 Business Plan WUTC Comments and Responses

2019 Work Plan

The Council approved the 2019 Work Plan and Budget at its October 2018 meeting. 

2019 Work Plan 2019 Business Plan

2018 Work Plan 

The Council approved the 2018 Work Plan and Business Plan at its October 2017 meeting. This work and business plan incorporated public comments received.  

2018 Work Plan 2018 Business Plan


2017 Work Plan

The Council approved the 2017 RTF Work Plan at its October 2016 meeting. No written stakeholder comments were received on this work plan.

2017 Work Plan 2017 Business Plan


2016 Work Plan

The 2016 Work Plan was approved by the Council at its October 2015 meeting. This work plan incorporated public comments received.

2016 Work Plan 2016 Business Plan

2015 Work Plan

The Council unanimously approved the 2015 Work Plan at its October  2014 meeting. The final work plan was responsive to stakeholder comments.

2015 Work Plan 2015 Business Plan


2014 Work Plan

The Council approved the 2014 RTF Work Plan at its November 2013 meeting. The final work plan was responsive to stakeholder comments.

2014 Work Plan 2014 Business Plan


2013 Work Plan

The Council approved the 2013 RTF Work Plan at its November 2012 meeting. This final work plan was responsive to stakeholder comments.

2013 Work Plan 2013 Business Plan


2012 Work Plan

The Council reviewed and adopted the 2012 Work Plan at its December 2011 meeting. This final work plan was responsive to stakeholder comments. In January 2012, the work plan was adjusted to make some budgetary shifts for Guidelines work.

2012 Work Plan - Adjusted 2012 Business Plan 2012 Work Plan Adjustment Memo


2011 Work Plan

The RTF approved the 2011 Work Plan at its September 2010 meeting.

2011 Work Plan 2011 Business Plan


2010 Work Plan

The RTF approved the 2010 Work Plan at its October 2009 meeting.

2010 Work Plan 2010 Business Plan


Have questions?

Have questions? Please get in touch.

Laura Thomas
Regional Technical Forum Manager