RTF Member Solicitation 2025-2027

The Northwest Power and Conservation Council is soliciting applications for appointments to its Regional Technical Forum to serve three year terms beginning January 2025 and running through December 2027. Please see the solicitation letter and areas of experience document linked below for more detail.

Qualified and interested individuals who are able to commit the necessary time should submit a letter of interest and resume to Laura Thomas' attention by August 2, 2024. All current RTF members will be considered for re-appointment, but are required to submit letters of interest and a current resume.

Staff aim to make a recommendation to the Council for decision at either the September or October meeting. Applicants selected to serve on the RTF will be notified by the end of October.

RTF Member Solicitation Letter

Areas of Experience



Interested in working with the RTF? The RTF issues requests for proposals on an as needed basis to support tasks under its work plan. 

All qualified proposers will be evaluated and considered for selection without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, genetic information, or military or veteran status.

Request for Proposals

None at this time.


Request for Qualifications

The RTF has an open solicitation for qualified consultants. The RTF recently revised its solicitation and is seeking new (or updated) proposals from interested consultants. A new aspect required by this RFQ is completion of the Qualifications Summary Form. Proposals are not considered complete without completion of this form.

Request for Qualifications (updated 2023) RFQ Qualifications Summary Form (must complete with proposal)


Please review the Request for Qualifications and reach out to Laura Thomas (lthomas@nwcouncil.org) with any questions. 

Sign up for notifications

Provide your email address below and we'll notify you any time we post Requests for Proposals or Qualifications. Unsubscribe at any time.

Past Proposals

The following are a list of past proposals that were awarded by the RTF:

  • Refinement of HVAC Measure Suite
  • Data Center Characterization
  • Commercial and Industrial Sector Strategic Energy Management
  • 2023 Regional Conservation Progress Report
  • Commercial Energy Efficiency Measure Shape Development
  • Standard Information Workbook
  • New Measure Scan
  • 2024 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Contractor
  • 2024 Contract Analyst
  • Commercial EnergyPlus Building Model Correction and Alignment
  • Efficient Electric Vehicles Market Characterization
  • 2022 Regional Conservation Progress Report
  • 2021 Regional Conservation Progress Report
  • RTF Measure Cost Review and Recommendations
  • Refrigerant Impact on Energy Efficiency
  • 2022 Commercial EnergyPlus Building Model Alignment to Regional Data
  • 2022 Quality Control and Quality Assurances Services
  • 2022 RTF Minutes Services
  • Sub-Regional Baseline Exploration
  • RTF Workbook Update for 2021 Power Plan Findings
  • Exploration into Climate Files for RTF Analysis
  • Studies on Valuation of (1) Resiliency and (2) Flexibility
  • EnergyPlus Front-End Scoping Project
  • 2020 Regional Conservation Report
  • 2021 Contract Analyst Services
  • ProCost Scoping Effort
  • 2020 Guidelines Update and SEM Guidance
  • Residential Building Simulation Model Scoping
  • 2019 Regional Conservation Progress Report
  • 2020 Contract Analyst Services
  • 2020 Quality Control and Quality Assurance Services
  • 2018 Regional Conservation Progress Report
  • 2019 Contract Analyst Services
  • Development of Hourly Profiles for Energy Efficiency Measures
  • 2017 Regional Conservation Progress Report
  • 2018 Contract Analyst Services
  • QA/QC for 2018
  • 2017 Contract Analyst Services
  • Quality Standards for Associated Capacity Benefits
  • RTF Website Redesign and Development
  • 2016 Technical Contract Analyst Services (closed)
  • QA/QC for 2016
  • Technical Contract Analyst Services
  • RTF Monthly Meeting Minutes Services
  • QA/QC for 2015
  • Technical Contract Analyst Services
  • Non-Res UES Schools Weatherization Measures
  • QA/QC Contractor RFP
  • Phase I: UES Measure Review
  • Phase II: UES Measure Compliance 
  • ELCAP Data Assembly and Conversion
  • Deemed Calculator Conversion
  • Procost Modifications
  • RFP for Technical and Management Services
Have questions?

Have questions? Please get in touch.

Laura Thomas
Regional Technical Forum Manager