RTF Meeting: November 13, 2001 RTF Meeting: February 12, 2002

9:30 Introductions, Announcements & Review of Agenda

  • Approve meeting minutes for November 13, 2001
  • Set Next meeting date and location

9:40     C&RD status regarding PGE Earth Advantage Program for new residential construction - Ken Saulter

10:00  Discussion & Decision on Proposed Revised Deemed Calculation Method for Irrigation Water Management - Tom Eckman

11:00  Break

11:15   Presentation of results of comparison between Check-Me and ACRx  handtool methods - Dave Baylon/Bob Davis, Ecotope 

12:00  Discussion & Decision on Performance Tested Comfort Systems Operation and Maintenance Protocols - Tom Eckman

12:30   Lunch

1:00    Discussion and Decision on proposed ?Deemed Calculation Method? for Commercial Food Service Refrigerators and Freezers - Tom Eckman

2:00    Break

2:15    Presentation, Discussion and Decision on proposed alternatives for revision of Residential Weatherization Measures Specs. for Single Family  and Low Income Housing  to address requests for more ?individual? measures - Tom Eckman

3:00     Discussion & Decision on Petitions

3:30 PM  Adjourn