This page provides an introduction and links to the Regional Technical Forum's Recommendations to "The Bonneville Power Administration Regarding Conservation and Renewable Resources Eligible for the Conservation and Renewable Resources Rate Discount and Related Matters."
Related links: full document (125k PDF), appendices
During the spring of 1998 the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (Council) released an issue paper aimed at defining the role and general structure of a "Regional Technical Forum" (RTF). This effort was in response to direction from Congress and the Comprehensive Review of the Northwest Energy System. It was also in response to the Council's own interest in finding ways to encourage and facilitate the development of cost-effective conservation and renewable resources in the partially restructured utility environment in which the region finds itself.
Subsequently, the Bonneville Power Administration (Bonneville) initiated a plan to provide a rate discount during the FY 2002 ? 2006 rate period to encourage customer (utilities and direct service industries) activities in conservation, renewable resource development and low-income weatherization. In a letter dated February 24, 1999, Bonneville requested that the Council allow the RTF to support the agency's Conservation and Renewable Resources Rate Discount (C&R Discount) efforts. Bonneville asked that the RTF prepare a comprehensive list of energy efficiency measures and renewable resources actions that are predetermined to qualify for the discount for submission to the agency.
Bonneville asked that the list of measures be as extensive as possible, covering a broad range of technologies, projects and activities that qualify for the C&R Discount (See Appendix A for details). The agency requested that measures on the RTF recommended conservation list have three components: a) the Definition of the Measure; b) the Definition of the Electricity Savings; and c) the Definition of the Value to the Region (from an electric system standpoint). Bonneville also requested that the RTF conduct periodic energy savings performance evaluations. These evaluations were to be done at the regional level, with appropriate power customer involvement. The primary purpose of these evaluations was to improve savings estimates in order to make future adjustments to the amount credited for measures and program designs. Finally, Bonneville requested that the RTF submit its C&R Discount recommendations by September 2000.