System Analysis Advisory Committee Research Project Presentations

Council Offices or by Webinar

July 26, 2018, 9am - 12pm

Check-in for those interested in the Council’s redevelopment of its GENESYS model 

The redevelopment, being completed in coordination with our vendor, PSR Inc, is scheduled to be complete by the end of September.

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9:00 AM         Welcome and Introductions

9:10 AM         Brief Redevelopment Timeline and Scope Review (Council Staff)

  • Redevelopment scheduled to be complete by September 30, 2018

9:15 AM         GENESYS Demo: General Overview (PSR/Staff)

Introductory Presentation Material

Model stages and forecast error:

  1. Monthly (monthly granularity)
  2. Day-Ahead Commitment (hourly granularity, week look-ahead)
  3. Hour-Ahead Commitment (hourly granularity, 3-hour look ahead)
  4. True-up (hourly granularity, simulated actuals)
  • Transmission topology and external market supply/demand
  • Modeling of different resource types and physical/ fuel constraints


  1. Import/Export Capability
  2. Visualization of Results
  3. System mapping
  • Data Handling and Processing

10:30 AM       Break

10:40 AM       GENESYS Demo: Discuss Hydro System Operation (PSR/Staff)

  • Show hydro operation results.
  • Further discussion of hydro constraints, if necessary

11:55 AM       Testing and Redevelopment Next Steps                     

Webinar Info:

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can use computer microphone, or you can dial in using your phone.
United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073, Access Code: 225-635-109

​The session will be recorded for those who cannot attend