RTF Meeting: April 11, 2000 RTF Meeting: July 11, 2000

9:30 AM Introductions, Announcements & Review of Agenda

  • Adoption of April 11th Meeting Summary
  • Set Next meeting date and location

9:45 Presentation & Discussion of Draft Measure Tables* for Residential Space Heating and Revised Tables for Appliances & Lighting ? Tom Eckman

10:30 Break

10:45 Presentation of AURORA analysis of the impact of shifting load from peak to off-peak ? Jeff King

11:15 Presentation/Discussion of Revised Marginal Price Forecast and Valuation of Local Distribution System Benefits ? Tom Eckman

12:00 PM Lunch ? Ordered in, individual checks.

12:30 Presentation of Software Mock-Up for C&R Discount Application and Reporting ? Ann Bruner, WSU EP

1:15 Presentation of Revised Analysis of the Additional Energy Benefits from Irrigation Water Savings - John Fazio

1:45 Continued Discussion of Residential Measure Tables

2:45 Updates/Discussion Items (if time allows):

  • Discussion of Potential methodologies for deeming output from un-metered renewable resources.
  • Methodology for calculating deeming savings from lighting savings in new construction and reftrofits.

3:30 PM Adjourn 

*If you wish to run the Procost model used to develop these tables click to begin Procost download.