Comment Period Closed

Background: In the Council’s Seventh Power Plan, energy efficiency was identified as a key resource for meeting much of the capacity needs for the region. With this finding, the Council and RTF updated its cost-effectiveness methodology to put greater emphasis on those measures that save energy during peak need. The Seventh Plan also tasked the RTF with developing guidelines for assessing the reliability of its capacity estimates from energy efficiency and reviewing all of its measures against those guidelines.

In 2016, the RTF contracted with Cadmus to support the guideline development and review. This work focused on a systematic process for assessing the reliability of load shapes used by the Council and RTF. This process recognized that much of this review requires qualitative judgment. Therefore, the goal was to develop a process that would allow different analysts to provide similar findings as to the reliability of a specific load shape. Cadmus also completed a review of all RTF UES measures to assess the reliability of load shapes selected, provide assessment of alternative load shapes where appropriate, and provide recommendation to the RTF as to potential next steps for improving reliability.

All of the completed materials provided by Cadmus are below. The RTF sought public comment on the proposed framework for assessing the load shapes, as well as review and recommendations for each RTF measure. The RTF used the feedback gathered during this period to improve the process and support the identification of next steps. The memos and any feedback received was reviewed at the July 2018 RTF Meeting

Have questions?

Have questions? Please get in touch.

Jennifer Light
RTF Manager/Chair