Fish Passage Center Oversight Board meeting Committee Meetings and Council Meeting

Tuesday, March 9

Fish and Wildlife Committee - large conference room – 8:30am

Power Committee – small conference room – 9:30am

  • Discussion (60k PDF) of proposed Tradeable Renewable Energy Credits (TRECs) work plan (King)
  • Review (60k PDF) of conservation regional entities (Eckman, Grist), also see presentation (500k PowerPoint)
  • Discussion (60k PDF) of future agenda items (Morlan)
  • Discussion (110k PDF of remaining Sixth Power Plan items, including appendices I and J and the Statement of Basis and Purpose for the Sixth Power Plan and Response to Comments on the Draft Sixth Power Plan (Morlan)

Council Meeting – large and small conference rooms  – 1:30pm

 1:30 – 1:45pmReports from Fish and Wildlife, Power and Public Affairs committee chairs:  Bill Booth, chair, fish and wildlife committee; Melinda Eden, chair, power committee; and Rhonda Whiting, chair, public affairs committee. 
1.1:45 – 2:15pmBriefing on 2010 Fishery Forecasts and 2009 Fishery Retrospective:download
50k PDF
2.2:15 – 2:30pmUpdate on (Taurus website):  Ben Zelinsky, Bonneville Power Administration; Matt Deniston and Dal Marsters, Sitka
1mb PDF
3.2:30 – 3pmCouncil Decision on Project Reviews:  Mark Fritsch, Manager, Project Implementation; Tom Scribner and Keely Murdoch, Yakama Nation.
  • Step Review: Project #1996-040-00, Mid-Columbia Coho Restoration Project
8mb PDF
updated 3/5
4.3 – 3:30pmDiscussion on the future role of the Independent Economic Analysis Board (IEAB):  Terry Morlan, director, power
100k PDF
 3:30 – 3:45pmBreak 
5.3:45 – 4:15pmCouncil decision on the adoption of the remaining Sixth Power Plan items, including appendices I and J and the Statement of Basis and Purpose for the Sixth Power Plan and Response to Comments on the Draft Sixth Power Plan:  Terry Morlan; and John Shurts, legal counsel.  (tentative)download
110k PDF
6.4:15pmCouncil Business:
  • Approval of Annual Report to Congress. The 90-day public-comment period ends Monday, March 1. Because the comment deadline is after the packet deadline for this meeting, a revision-marked version of the report isn't included in the packet, but will be posted here on March 2. To date we have received no comments on the report, but some are expected from Bonneville.
  • Approval of Fish Passage Center Oversight Board member
  • Council decision to release Draft Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Reporting (MERR) plan for public comment (tentative, added 3/8)
  • Adoption of minutes

The Public Affairs Committee will meet at the close of business on Tuesday, March 9.

The times listed for specific agenda items, and the order of those items, are approximate and are subject to change.  Public comment will be taken after each agenda item as time allows.

To participate by phone in any of the meetings, please call the Council’s central office for the phone-in number.

The Council will meet in Executive Session at 8:30am, Wednesday, March 10, for the purpose of discussing Council organization, structure, procedure and personnel issues.