The Northwest Power and Conservation Council in its 2021 Power Plan directed the RTF to investigate the potential methods that could be used to quantify the value of energy-efficiency measures for building resiliency. Per this guidance, in 2022, the RTF contracted with Apex Analytics to perform a study. The focus of this study was on the ability for a commercial or residential building to prepare, mitigate, or recover from infrequent events caused grid outages. The goals of the study were to:

  1. Assess the current literature and research to study the relationship between energy efficiency and building resilience to determine the potential to quantify this and include in the Council's modeling for cost-effectiveness.

  2. Identify and recommend a cost approach to value resiliency in buildings.

  3. Develop a tool using recommended approach and test by estimating the resilience value for a set of EE measures in one city in the Pacific Northwest.

Apex Analytics, through the completion of this study, was able to determine that the resilience benefits from energy-efficiency measures can be quantified, particularly by using a cost-based valuation approach though some uncertainty still exist. The final resources from this work are provided below and include a literature review, final memorandum, resilience valuation tool and user guide, and presentation to the RTF. The Council and RTF will take the results of this study to determine any potential next steps and any updates will be provided on this page. 

Final Documentation