Heat Pump Commissioning, Controls, and Sizing

Background and Discussion Scope 

BPA has requested the RTF consider its proposal for revisions to the PTCS Air Source Heat Pump Specifications. The existing specification is referenced in three distinct heat pump UES measures: conversions from electric resistance heating system (pre-conditions baseline), heat pump efficiency upgrade (current practice baseline), and commissioning, controls, & sizing (current practice baseline). The proposal removes the PTCS certification requirements from the specification and develops separate specifications for each of the three heat pump measures. The subcommittee will review and provide its input on the draft proposed specifications. Then, the proposal will be made to the RTF. The goal is to present the revised specifications to the RTF for adoption at its August meeting.

The most recent working materials are below:

  • Existing PTCS Air Source Heat Pump System Installation Standards
  • Draft Proposed ASHP Conversion Measure Specification: Heat Pump shall be new and be rated by AHRI. Installation must comply with all applicable codes and manufacturer's requirements.
  • Draft Proposed ASHP Efficiency Upgrade Measure Specification: Heat Pump shall be new and have an HSPF rating of not less than 9.0, as certified by AHRI. Installation must comply with all applicable codes and manufacturer's requirements.
  • Draft Proposed ASHP CC&S Measure Specification

Relevant Meetings: March 12, 2015 July 2, 2013 September 8, 2016

Performance Tested Comfort Systems

The RTF contracted with PECI and Northwest Energy Works to develop and perform an annual review of PTCS Service Providers, respond to PTCS-related issues during the review period, and facilitate the RTF PTCS subcommittee and its products.

Current Activities:

November 15, 2010. PTCS subcommittee meeting held by phone and webinar.

  • Proposed PTCS Service Provider review process presented, discussed and approved by committee. Providers to be sent data requests with responses due mid-December.
  • Carrie Cobb at BPA proposed method for determining duct tightness baseline assumptions, given new duct sealing and testing requirements being considered for inclusion in the states building code. Item was discussed and approved for presentation before full RTF.

December 7, 2010. RTF Update. PTCS Service Provider data requests sent by email to: Ecos Consulting, Conservation Services Group, Efficiency Services Group, Oregon Energy Coordinators Association, Oregon Department of Energy, Washington State University Energy Program, National Center for Appropriate Technology, Idaho Office of Energy Resources, Proctor Engineering Group, Advanced Energy, Energy Inspectors, City of Ashland. Deadline of December 21 given.

January 4, 2011. RTF Update. Data received from: Ecos, CSG, ESG, WSU, NCAT. Initial review finds:

  • Minimal coordination between providers in areas of QC, QA, technician status
  • QA is being done but follow up is not tracked in databases
  • 70 to 80 percent of measures inspected appear to be found in substantial compliance with specs

Report and preliminary recommendations to follow in next two weeks. Subcommittee meeting to be scheduled January 19-27.

New business includes discussion of request received from Bruce Manclark to recognize prescriptive duct ninja specs as deemed measure, working with him to develop proposal for committee review.
